Saturday, December 19, 2009

Will it be harmful to use the hair-conditinar & shampoo daily ?

It depends on your hair. If its very dry and damaged you might want to skip a day here or there to let the oils soak into your hair/scalp or try deep-conditioning once a week. If it is average or oily there is no problem. Its actually worse to not condition your hair at all if you have one of these types.Will it be harmful to use the hair-conditinar %26amp; shampoo daily ?
it's not. We filipinos wash our hair at least once a day with shampoo %26amp; conditioner, yet we have beautiful hair. I think it's only in the west that they don't do it...Will it be harmful to use the hair-conditinar %26amp; shampoo daily ?
no it shouldn't but if you think it may be harm full you can always do it every other day
Yes I have heard that by washing your hair too often its strips your natural oils which can make it dry and unhealthy looking.
No! Most people wash their hair everyday and have nop problems. However, the neatural oils y our head secrete are actually good for hair. Sebum helps give it nutrients and keep it strong and healthy. I wash my hair every other day to allow some of nature's work to be done. Of course, I don't put any 'product' in my hair, if you put a ton of hairspray or gel or anything in your hair then I would suggest washing it everyday and conditioning it every other day.
nope i've been doing that since i was a kid %26amp; my hair is still healthy. what damages hair is excessive hair drying %26amp; also continuous dyeing, straightening %26amp; curling.
I wsh my hair at lest once a day. I have not died yet, been doing it for at least 40 years. No evils have befallen me.
Daily usage (even with conditioner ) will remove your scalp's natural oils that keeps it protected, healthy and when combed, its shine. A few times a week is best.
it can be so just do it every other day
daily use of shampoos and conditioners are bad but if you take a head bath with curd every week your hair will be very soft and silky

beleive i used it for a month and my hair are just too cooool
No not really however you really don't need to use a conditoner except for the hair from the mid shaft down leave the scalp out. You may over condition.

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